only for the latter to forget she needs to *attack* afterwards.
During Filia's story fight against Double and Valentine, Nico falls for Valentine's Acquisitive Prescription.
Nico even lampshades that this game knows what he wants and he loved it.
When visiting to other islands, he encountered and invited two penguin villagers, Aurora and Sprinkle, to his island. His first encounter with a tarantula resulted with Nico successfully capturing it in the first try. His starting villagers are Sterling, an eagle that is basically the Gatekeeper and Shari, the monkey villager that Eevee wanted so bad. Nico's beginner's luck goes Up to Eleven in this game, much to his moderator Eevee's frustration and saltiness.
Nico!Art: "I'm gonna fuck him up with my elephant friend, and my bug.
Nico's summary of one section of Art's Dream. He even makes the soundbite into a Running Gag. Nicob has way too much fun with the random phrases in the poetry minigame, especially when Manny says "Do it." in a very serious tone. Also the way he provided voices for each Dad: Mat (the Uncle Ray voice), Craig (the "bro" voice), Hugo (the Ace voice), Brian (the Kazuichi voice, but huskier), Damien (the Van Zieks voice), Robert (the Snake voice) and Joseph (the Edgeworth voice). Nico customizes his Dadsona as Kazuma Kiryu. Nico uses of each voices for the main cast: Mae (Futaba voice), Bea (Kirigiri voice), Gregg (Majima voice), Angus (Kiryu voice) and of course, Germ (Shuichi voice), which both Nico and the Picky Penguins affectionally referred him as "Shuichi Bird". In a similar note, Nico streamed his reaction to Byleth's reveal in Ultimate, and from the almost perfect timing of Nico's Three Houses LP considering what Sakurai talks about (he only gets spoiled on the three main lords' Heroes Relics and misses the accidental reveal of Rhea being "the woman in the intro" (Seiros) because he talks over it) to his sheer joy at everything Byleth's DLC includes. As Nico was in the middle of a Majora's Mask playthrough at the time, cue the chat and moderators desperately trying to keep Nico from looking too deeply into it. One of the Picky Penguins decided to bust out Fierce Deity Link. Also, his reaction to anything about Armstrong post- Reveal. It's a bit more straightforward than usual. When at the Gold Saucer, Nico is told to use the Fortune-Telling machine. Cloud falls through the roof of the church and is met with a horrifying sight: Aerith's original model note Other characters had their models swapped with high-quality ones missing her left eye. Nico: Oh god, it's this part, we all gotta time our button presses. Nico plays a modded version of the game, which causes quite a few hilarious moments. After plenty of difficulty reaching the correct area, Nico is treated to the best easter egg ever, Nyajima-san! See his reaction here. So Nico decides to snap everyone out of existence. It's funny for a while, until everyone's antics ruin a cutscene. Nico turns on online mode while checking out the new DLC, and is swarmed by Picky Penguins doing emotes and smacking him with umbrellas. Nico's reaction to when he got an achievement for looking up Porn on the Internet in the game. Nico's laughter at when Peter and Mary Jane having a "serious" conversation all while Peter is wearing his skeleton costume. Aunt May having trouble with cutting carrots. Nico having too much fun with the selfie feature to the point where he had Miles took selfies during the scene where his father was dying. Now he has "Shade-dono", lamp-sama's evil twin/nemesis. Everyone worshiping "lamp-sama", the lamp positioned behind NicoB.