Try to be in a relaxed state if possible, coming straight from sport makes it a lot harder as your body is in recovery mode and we’re about to give part of it another workout! Empty stomachs are also best, so not directly after food. I find personally that lying down is more effective. In a relaxed, comfortable atmosphere you either lie down or sit down, much like you would if were going to meditate – whatever is more comfortable for you. There are three core components to the WHM: breathing, cold exposure and focus/mindset, and whilst on their own they bring some benefits, when applied together they are extremely powerful. And all this for almost a tenth of the price of the TM course. And on that point, I hope to appeal to all of you who have not come to this from a spiritual background, understandably sceptical as you might be. Key also is Wim’s insistence that science be onboard the whole time, so that there is no speculation, no scepticism, only sound scientific evidence. While yoga and various other forms of movement, breathing and meditation are profound tools and a huge part of my life and daily routine, my personal experience is that since applying the WHM to my life I have not found a more simple, effective way to achieve the same state.

How is it different to other methods out there? Can’t they offer the same thing(s)?